Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hi everyone..
this is really a late post. LOL. i don't know why, but i want to write or say something.
This week we are really busy, especially our team, and i still have a problem, i must be careful and do something better and better, improve my concentration, and also i should manage my time, really, i really bad in this, i almost don't have enough time for myself, and today i already met my team, selling team, and we already talk about the products, maybe we'll start ASAP, when this business still live and on fire, yeah i know it's difficult, 1st we should get customer and name first, for our new brand, we decided to use i know it's strange, but u know, i want to sell anything, so it's like groceries store or traditional store in indonesia, so i hope we can manage this brand, and start selling a big thing, a big thing must start from bottom, and i never give up, for promotion and keep calm believe in hahaha.
Enjoy weekend, almost over again, already sunday, ohh sister in law maybe former, now it's not, she visited my path, maybe she wanna check something or wanna tell to everyone how bad i am. Hahaha.
It's ok. now focus on career.
Good night, have a nice dream all.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Senin 23-09-2013, diary

Good morning all, selamat pagi.
Hari senin yang indah diawali dengan pagi yang indah dahulu. Bangun tepat waktu tanpa ada gangguan, mungkin tidurnya agak kurang aja semalam, nggak masalah, karena masih seger aja toh.
Kita akan mulai membahas satu per satu, dari pekerjaan dolo. Hahaha.
Banyak sekali kejadian-kejadian yang sangat bagus dan memotivasi diri saya sendiri, dimulai dari pekerjaan yang diterima, saat ini mungkin pekerjaan ini, sudah cocok dengan apa yang saya harapkan dulu, pada saat kuliah, hanya saja kemampuan saya masih kurang secara teknikal, untuk analisa dkk, mungkin ada peningkatan sedikit, walaupun nggak banyak-banyak amat, secara umum, hampir setiap pekerjaan tidak ada masalah, enjoy it friend, pekerjaan merupakan sesuatu yang harus dinikmati, bukan disesali atau dihina-hina. Hahahaha. Kalau dapat pekerjaan yang cukup berat, jangan mengeluh lho brooo, mengeluh = zero, nggak ada artinya, kalau kata orang OMDO doank. Hahahaha. Keren kan gw, ya yang berat, memang susah, tapi kalau kita cicil, kek maen game, tembak sdkit-sdkit, kek dota, gebuk skill pelan2. Hahaha. Kira2 gitu ga ya. Nanti kan hp dia sisa sdkit, gempur, mati. Hahahaha. Itulah yang saya pahami sblomnya, konsep berkerja, + pkiran yang mateng sdkit, yakin deh, pasti bisa kelar dan skill pekerjaan semakin mantap.
Kemarin, baru saja ditawarkan konsep bisnis baru sama saudara, masih masuk akal, bisa dikerjakan. Hahaha. Masih dipikirkan. Ternyata sulit juga, kalau nggak dikerjakan 1-1 gitu, nggak nyangka ternyata sangat-sangat luas bro, beneran. Hahaha. Sama temen juga sudah terpikirkan konsep baru juga, hanya blom dibicarakan lebih dalam aja. Terima Kasih Tuhan, ini semua engkau berikan. Hehehe. ^^V
Olah raga.
MU kalah MU kalah gan, dihajar city 4-1. City sadis banget counter dan sayapnya, sangat2 cepat sekali permainan mereka, ya memang kita juga dukung city sih. Hahahaha.
Timnas U-19 AFF, sangat-sangat JEGERRRRR. selamat ya sudah jadi juara. Tegang mampus gan ntnnya, suer ane nggak pakai bohong. Hahaha. Seru banget, vietnam juga top markotop, Komentator five star. LOL.

Overall minggu yang panjang ya, mau bahas semua nggak keburu, sedih banget gan. hahaha.
THanks ya all, nanti dicerita-cerita lagi. GBU all.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Apple Fans where is it? Where is your voice? How are u today? after a great show from Apple in WWDC, that was great really. Hahaha.
Let's look what's new from Apple for their fans. Hehehe. Let me explain one by one.
1.Iphone 5C
wahh... they said it will be cheap, they said cheappppppp.... but with contract you can get it in $199 and $299. And features after searched an article, they said it's as good as iphone 5. About the contract they said it will be 2 years, and i hope that's not expensive anymore and each month is cheap too, hope apple will stand from samsung and other. Because only APPLE the difference thing than another company, yep, they make a smartphone with android. Hahaha. With apple, another company and OS too, will get some heart attack especially after this event. This is some photos from official APPLE, check it out :

2. Iphone 5S.
Jrengggg... iphone 5s, suprised me after i saw the fingerprint sensor. Hahaha. Apple made it. Maybe another company will follow and make something great too.
1st let me describe about the design first, it really great, apple show 3 colors, GOLD, BLACK and WHITE, they still keep the exclusive design, really this three really like a big 3 for elite color. Hahaha. am i right? sorry it's only my opinion. Hehehe.

Love it so much, but for gold maybe only for selected people. Like executive or maybe woman.
And let's talk about FINGERPRINT SENSOR. hahaha.

OMG apple OMG, hahaha. we don't need to push the lock screen, just put the finger on home button, and tadaaaaa... unlocked your phone, and maybe after u buy this, u can't rent it to your cousin especially a kid, what a great home button, if they broke it, argghhhh.... how much we shoould pay. Hahahaha.

Okay apple, good job, really a good job, and after this their stock is increase.
Thanks enjoy your day. :)

Friday, September 6, 2013


Good morning all, long time no see. hahaha.
Apa kabar semuanya? Jadi ceritanya minggu ini adalah minggu yang sangat-sangat panjang banget, cia elah. Banyak cerita baru dan new exp exactly. Hahaha. Dari dimulainya berbisnis sampai dengan teman baru, dan channel baru, u know meet a new people open our mind about the world, because everyone never have a same thing in their brain. Hahaha. I hope that too, he asked me to make a business, i know that's not easy but if i don't try right now, i won't know everything. Hahaha. I hope this will be great and great experience, and like usual, 1st time really heavy and like a big stone, which can make me hurt and fall. It's ok for me.
Sekarang ane jualan jersey, ama apa aja bisa dipesan, bisa dicarikan gitu deh.
Semoga sukses ya gan, mungkin nantinya akan dibuatkan website e-commerce gt, i hope i can. Hahaha.
Thanks for visiting and improve everything, thanks God this is really a great lesson, i've ever learned it before.

GBu all, have a nice weekend.

Pesan sponsor : (Jerseynya gan ordernya)
(backcase gan ordernya)

Monday, September 2, 2013

FUTSAL SENIN 21:00 ( 9:00 Malam)

Good morning all my fans, cie my fans. Hahahaha.
How are u today? Hopefully we have a nice day, God bless us and all people, also who is sick, will be healthy soon.
Today we'll have a great day, you know we must believe and positive thinking, God always give us great day, for learning and even we lose something. Oh friend, i have a futsal game, on monday 9:00 pm, who wanna join after read this post, u can email me , we played at asaba sport center @pluit bro, please come and join us, if u become our member u only pay 25000/game, and we play 5 games for 1 cycle, so you only pay 125000 for 5 games at big court, hopefully you join us, and contact me first, so i know who are u, never come without notice, so u'll become a stranger, even me the EO doesn't know u. Hahaha.

We have a new friends, Anggi and Denny, just joined our member club. Hehehe.
Thanks God for this great team, members and also my friends, they also a great family, come and join us bro. We always open hand and head for you. Hehehe.

GBU all, enjoy your day, love u all, thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Selamat sore semua,
bagaimana kabar weekend nya? sehat kah? apa sekarang sedang menikmati masa-masa weekend, liburan, mantep toh. Hehehe.
Hari minggu yang panjang ini, diawali dengan santai di rumah, dan melakukan sebuah research, nggak lebih kok gan suer. Ada banyak hal-hal baru yang mungkin terjadi dekat-dekat ini, antara nekat, nasib atau memang gimana, nggak tau deh, kalau memang saya nggak akan kembali lagi seperti dulu, ya berarti siap-siap pusing gan. Sebenarnya terlalu banyak pikiran kek gw jelek jg ya, terlalu banyak hal-hal yang dipikirkan, dari hall kecil ampe gede, pengennya sih menolong semua orang, tapi kok jadi susah gini. Hahaha. Tapi yang paling ancur asmara kali ya, cie.... Kacau semua, mesti dari 0, dicuekin, dibiarkan begitu aja, mau jadi apa saya. Hahaha. Apa dulu gw gituiin orang ya, membuat semuanya menjadi buruk, dengan mengabaikan aspek-aspek tertentu, sedih banget ya, Tuhan memang adil. Karma pasti ada, thanks ya udah ngingetin dan menegur secara langsung seperti ini.
For me this is really a big impact, never fell like this already 6 years with her, and without, really make something change in my live, thanks for everything.

GBU all, good luck.

NB: Wanna try something new with felix, i hope i can do something and make a new experience.

Forgot to say, happy new month :)