Monday, June 6, 2016

Group project overview

Good afternoon, today story will talk about current group project which helps me to learn something about managing and working as group. First of all, being a master student, we suppose to be able to communicate and work as group, since in a reality, as an individual we have to work together to finish the task or project. The task is not easy because we suppose to do research and find out the solution that relates to the problem that has given to us. Well, the group usually contain of 5-6 people which is good number to talk and discuss about the project. However, if the group is too much member, it might affect the efficiency and productivity of the group, because, if people cannot manage the team properly, all members might not be able to maximise their potential. Being a student that already joined several group projects, i have opinion and views since the beginning our group formed. 

There is several reason that group could go well, first, they have a good leader, that can manage and communicate with all group member. Next, the group has a member that could be listener and give the opinion or value to the team, however, the leader has to be able manage and give the direction the members to help them find out the way. However, a leader also retired the ability to listen the opinion from its members to get the more knowledge to take further actions. The third reason, all group members has to attend the group meeting to understand and listen other members opinion. The problem of group work usually related to misunderstanding and small knowledge about the project. So, if the members come and participate in group meeting, they might get the points and know how to resolve the problem. However, it relates to a leader manage their team and listen group voices or opinions. Even though, it is not uneasy task, but leader has to be a good listener to get the point and all group objectives or voices. 

In short, working as group is depended on the leader itself. Even though, some people is smart, sometime they cannot work as group because they cannot working together. So leader is most important part in the team and being a good member also takes crucial point in this project. Please being a nice people in the group to get maximise your potential and value. 


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Half-Marathon (Part 2) Self motivation

Well, the inspiring story will be continue after this. Currently, I am waiting my next class that would be start around 30 minutes, but I can't stop thinking to resume my story. Well, here we go.
After deciding to join the event, both of us had not started the training yet because of the lack of time. December is holiday month referring to Australia calendar, the time when people try to relax and go overseas, however for the student like me, I still had classes and Edi still had to work. We hadn't found out yet how to train in December, well the first step always be the hardest part in your life, then suddenly one group ask us to join the morning walk at Bondi beach which the popular site in Sydney. Well, finally we decided to join and made that as a starting line for us. 

The event was started in the morning 2nd January 2016, we tried to push ourself by running and listening each other experience in this particular event, and I realised edi was not the person who like doing sport. Even, he told me if he ran like 5 mins he already very tired, well that was very interesting when I had to adapt and train with him. To be a trainer and motivator in the same time was wonderful experience for me.   We were starting every training with what is our target today and we would compare the data from last training, we were using the health application, while edi was using Edmondo and I was using Shealth from Samsung. Both application has different native sound, however, I told Edi that mine was better than yours. Well, when we did the first training at Bondi beach I realised that Edi really need much training and we had to training every week to meet the requirement of the event. Since there, we already knew that we were very weak and probably we can't reach the finish with our current situation, then we were really motivated ourself with that problem and we made our goal which was FINISHED and GOT the MEDAL of this event.

Guys, the time almost there, I have to attend the class, the main point of this part was we are motivated ourself by our goals and purposes. So don't lose your hope or way if you want to keep going.
GBU guys, see you later.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Half-Marathon (Part 1)

Hi everyone, it's been awhile I haven't posted any post yet. So this time I gonna talk about the great experience and lesson in my life that make I am thinking differently and make my life much better. Well, this will be related to what i have done recently which is Half marathon event. In short, last Sunday I just joined that event, the result wasn't bad I was finished at 1:52:00 which is under 2 hours since that was the average people can do, luckily I can finished it better than that checkpoint. Did you see something special from that event? Well, it was not about the finish time actually but I was still proud by myself but that is not the point, then what? It would be very long story for this particular event which story telling about how we (who is another person) trained ourself to participate this particular event. Let's get back to the first plan of this activity.

Sunday, at the end of December 2015, I went to church as usual to pray which is my obligation, there always be my homey and warmly place for me to meet people. My friend (Edi) talked with me and suddenly he asked me to join the event "Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon",  i didn't have any idea what is that and what is going on at there, what I really understand was we have to run very long and probably gonna be very tired activity. Edi, my friend asked me to participate since he never did this and he was not a person who like doing sport activities like me. Well, I accepted the offer and I told him that I can join that. Since there we created a good connection, we decided to train every Saturday (after I finished working) which was very tired for me but that was the only time when both of us could train together. 

It is quite long story but it is worth it to tell, I will take it as beginning of the new brand story (HALF MARATHON/ WILL POWER) see you on the next post.