Selamat pagi semua, lama juga ya ga ngepost disini. Hahaha. Sorry-sorry banyak yang harus saya kerjakan akhir-akhir ini di pagi hari. Dari masalah barang sampai masalah lain-lain. Okay, jadi ceritanya kemarin kita mau bahas IOS 7 ya, jadi deal ga ya?? Saya akan bahas IOS 7dan akan membahas apa yang harus saya bahas disini. Yuk mulai.
IOS 7, seperti kata pepatah, merubah sesuatu itu sulit, benar sekali itu, seperti apple juga, mereka merubah konsep IOS yang sudah lama, digantikan dengan konsep baru yang wahhhh... berubah banget, they are changing everything the new concept the new IOS, the new APPLE. i think i should said like that, disini mereka membuang karakter atau bayang-bayang steve jobs, sesuatu yang fresh from the oven, tidak ada masalah pada bagian ini, IOS membuat mata para pengguna iphone bahkan android sedikit terbuka, dan ingin merasakan secepatnya update, ini seperti yang terjadi waktu IOS 5 , dimana apple menambahkan bagian message and notification center, sungguh menakjubkan, pengguna IOS yang di indo saja, sudah sangat menggebu-menggebu ingin merasakan the NEW IOS. Hahaha. Bisa dilihat di grup FB sih, mereka benar-benar mau tahu, sampai pakai yang beta jg, sama seperti IOS 5. Hahaha. Bagi saya sendiri ini adalah langkah awal apple untuk melawan raksasa android, sebenernya mereka ber 2 raksasa, tapi android saat ini sudah lebih besar, sehingga apple harus melakukan apa yang harus mereka lakukan, yaitu hal ini, it's time for change. Hahaha.
lihat perubahan yang dilakukannya, dari segi logo, fresh, full color, mungkin awalnya orang akan sangat canggung, but relax, it's just beginning, they'll make your day colorful, u know apple designer must be think the advantage of this logo or icon, and for me, this one is great. Hahaha.
ok this one, notification center, they said this is suck and copy paste, it's ok for me, but apple make a different thing, but i don't know exactly which one is copy paste, but apple give us functional shortcut for productivity app. Hahaha. Look air dropd and air play and also this notification also can come out from top and bottom, is that nice? haha. 1st time may difficult because we'll accidentally touch it. Am i right? haha.
Photos, change the view of photos and this one really like windows phone, okay apple make everything from different OS into one OS, that's IOS. Good job Apple. Haha. So we won't buy another phone, because IOS have it. CMIIW.
Multitasking feature like WP too, i already saw my friend phone, this one also great feature too, love it.
when another OS declare NFC, apple make airdrop become popular and apple said, you should bump your phone for transferring data, we just touch it. OMG apple. Hahaha. And you know what, another OS didn't complaint or attack apple about this IOS.
okay too much new thing, and i can't describe it. Haha. So what do u think about ios 7? for me this is great, and i hope apple can fight with their competitor, you know change habits it's very difficult, but apple already make it, the 1st step always hurt. Hahaha.
Hope u enjoy the blog bro, GBU and have a nice day.
Sincerely Franse Hendra
Web Developer (PHP->Zend and PHP->Fusebox)
Web Designer
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